Monday, August 25, 2008

Welcome to my Rambling

many times i feel the need to just type and create an archive of what i do in my life. guess it is partially so that i don't have to trust my memory. What I really like to read back later in life the things that i did and what i have experienced.

Hopefully this blog will allow me to develop a way to open my heart and share openly the things that struggle in there.

additionally, hopefully it will be a log of all the wonderful things that i have been blessed with in life.

This weekend I was able to spend time with my son and see the wonders that are the Olympic Peninsula. the huge trees and the wonderful coast line littered with old growth trees and amazing stones that are worn smooth by the waves. The sea stacks are something that i only imagined that i would be blessed enough to see in my life. I am honored to add this to the treasure of sites that i have witnessed in my journey.

God have truly made many incredible places for us to find insight into his plan.

I believe that God wants us all to come to Him. He desires a relationship with us all. It is like he has created a puzzle with 6 billions pieces and wants us to all find our place in the grand plan.

God is Great. Amen.


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